Posts Tagged with: php

Generate unique random ID in PHP MySQL

Generate unique random ID in PHP MySQL

In this short guide, I am going to show you how to generate a unique random ID in PHP MySQL. What is a unique ID? There will be a time when you or your client would need to have a random and especially unique ID (identification) in a web application. For example, for an ecommerce site, there will be order IDs assigned to each order.

Prepare passwords to store in database in PHP

Prepare passwords to store in database in PHP

For all the websites which offer any kind of registration on their websites, they have to store user’s information into their database. So, in this short guide, I am going to show you how to prepare passwords to store in database in PHP using the recommended, efficient, and a secure method. The main concern is the security, because we cannot…

Connecting to MySQL Database in PHP

Connecting to MySQL Database in PHP

Connecting to MySQL database in PHP is a very initial step for developing any web applications or website. I am going to mention the most common and efficient way for connecting to MySQL database in PHP. Amazingly, PHP provides three ways (API) to connect and interact with database (MySQL). MYSQL, MySQLi, and PDO (PHP Data Objects).

MySQL vs MySQLi in PHP

MySQL vs MySQLi in PHP

If you are looking for a simple answer for MySQL vs MySQLi in PHP, then here is the explanation in simple words. MySQL is outdated and deprecated in the newer versions of PHP. MySQL is completely removed in PHP 7. I strongly recommend to use MySQLi from now on. MySQLi stands for MySQL improved extension. Let’s see the differences…

Welcome to XNOQE

Welcome to XNOQE

Hi there, a warm welcome to you. XNOQE is going to provide a lot of easy-to-understand tutorials for Web Development, Graphic Designing, or any PC related interested stuff that we know of. We are going to cover WordPress, HTML / CSS tutorials, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) training, PHP / MYSQL tutorials etc. We will have …